Monday, April 11, 2011

Through God I Have Inner Peace

I am one with Divine Presence. I am at peace. 

When I see rain softly falling on my window and hear thunder in the distance, I feel a connection with something greater than myself.  The air is being cleansed and the ground and other animals quench their thirst and plants are nourished.  I am content knowing that each drop of water has a purpose.

I can remember in 1998 the tornado came through.  It was a horrible storm but the next morning the sky was clear, blue and beautiful.  It was an awesome day.  The earth is designed to replenish itself no matter what man does to destroy it.

I take a breath and become aware of the activity of Spirit in each element of nature.  As I sense its beauty and symmetry, a feeling of inner peace fills me.

I love going to the beach and sitting watching the waves come in and out on  the shore. I know that this is a creation of God.  Not man made.  Waterfall's are also beautiful creation of God's magnificence.

I go within to reconnect with Divine Presence; I experience a feeling of spiritual balance, a calm peace in my soul.

Doing Gods will is where Peace is for me. If I am anxious, or heavy hearted I now I can stop what I am doing and invite God in to restore peace.

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.  The Lord be with all of you.  2 Thessalonians  3:16

Trusting in God

I place my trust in God.

A Unity author wrote these practical words of wisdom:  "As your unity with God grows, your immunity to fear grows as well."  God is always with me. If there are times when I am fearful, I can quiet my concerns by focusing on divine love and power.  I remember I am always cared for, provided for and protected.  No matter where I am or what I am experiencing.  God is here.

God is always with me. All I need to do is invite him in.  he is always in the solution.

I know this truth for my loved ones. As well visualizing them protected and guided always whether at home, at school, at work or taveling across the globe, they are in God's care.  I place my trust in God and see them happy, healthy and enjoying life.

I have  wonderful friends and family.  They are positive an uplifting.  The  ones who aren't are not in my life. Some have been totally removed.  I am so blessed all because I invite God into my life.

You who live in the shelter of the Most High will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.. Psalm 91:1,2

World Peace

As I know peace within my heart, peace prevails in my world.

I love the connection and clarity I found with God.  I am so glad to be growing spiritually day by day.  I am headed to a spiritual retreat that will fill me up and empower me to be the best person I can be.  Peace begins with me.

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.  These words remind me of where to begin when I pray for wold peace--within myself.

Not much of anything takes me away from peace.  I am almost always at peace except when I am driving.  I am remembering to stop and accept the situation as being in my best interest.

When I pray, I am making a difference.  My thoughts and prayers have the power to affect me and those around me in positive ways.  As I affirm peace, I feel peaceful in mind and heart and I express that peace to others.  MY expressions of peace create a chain reaction that travels from one person to another, opening minds and hearts to the blessing of love, compassion and understanding--attitudes that help create peace in the world.

What energy I put out is what comes back to me.  If it is negative, I get negative.  If it is positive I get positive .  I can choose peace at anytime.  All I need do is ask.

Today I do my part in establishing world peace by holding positive thoughts and expressing the indwelling peace of God.

The old Donya did not know peace. Just chaos.  If I talk about some person, place or thing while in chaos I am spreading ego's will.  I always want to do God's will.

As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world  John 9:5

Friday, March 4, 2011

Let It Shine

I let my Divine light shine

Where there is light there can be no darkness.

Is shyness, self-criticism or any other personality trait is interfering with my enjoyment of life, it may be that certain characteristics no longer serve me.  I am free to adopt a new way of being.  To accomplish this, I begin by noticing qualities in others that I admire and wish to adopt.  I observe anothor's light and magnetism. I look for someone who models self-acceptance and confidence.  I appreciated how they carry themselves with this beautiful presence.

I have always been told "stick with the winners."  I find spiritual people to hang with.  I practice being truthful and making integrous decisions.  this makes me a better friend, coworker and family member.

Because these are qualities I admire, they are also qualities found within me.  By recognizing my inherent value, I begin to let my light shine bigger and brighter.  I express the indwelling Spirit in unique and beautiful ways.

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and vive glory to your Father in heaven  Matthew 5:16

God Pilots This Plane

I let Divine Love guide my thoughts, words and actions.

God is my pilot. I only get off course when I try to take the wheel. Today I turn my will over to you to guide me every moment I breathe.

I may feel either excited or apprehensive about upcoming events.  Whether I am hosting a party myself or attending a family, or work gathering, I wish to remain peaceful, centerd and joy filled.

I get excited and apprehensive in my everyday life.  Throughout the day I stop and ask God to guide me so I do his will.  His will always flows smoothly and effortlessly and I will always have the tools I need to do my part.

Letting go and letting God is how I release any anxious feelings I may have.  As I let go of concern and let Divine Love guide my thoughts, words and actions, I experience the presence of God in my activities and relationships.

Today I am anxious about passing out my resume asking for more challenges. I want to use more of my skills and upgrade my position. I know God only wants the best for me and will open the best door.  If it is in  my best interest all will flow smoothly.  I will never be given more than I can handle or learn to handle.

I participate joyfully in all gatherings because I am letting God express fully through me.  My expectations and attitude are positive as I share love, appreciation and joy with others.

My only job is to suit up and show up and give and receive unconditional love.

For the sake of my relatives and friends I will say " Peace be within you."  Psalm 122:8

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Faith In God

I have faith in God and I am blessed.

Many words come to mind as I try to define faith.  Faith is a belief, a feeling, an impetus or an insight.  When I have faith, I believe.  I believe that I am a spiritual being, that I am never alone, never separated from God.  In faith I feel divinely protected and directed.  I am led by Spirit along every step of the my life's journey.

Faith is when I practice staying in the moment waiting for directions from God.  The my job is to suit up and show up.  He is always holding my hand and walks with me through every solution.

When I have faith I am inspired and energized.  I experience an impulse to do more and be more--to spread my spiritual wings and fly.  Ideas flow freely and easily, unhampered by fear or anxiety.

Having a connection with God is sure a great feeling. No matter how hard something may seem I always have God to get me through.

My faith in God transforms my life--mentally, physically and spiritually.  Through my faith I am blessed beyond measure.

All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed.

Let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith. Hebrews 10:22

Creating World Peace

The world awakens to peace--one person at a time.  Today I choose peace.

Today I am peaceful knowing I am exactly where I am suppose to be.  I am at a job I love, have two jobs that pay my bills and five me extra money to do things with.  I have an abundance of friends and family.  The real test is to be at peace when turbulent times hit.  This is when I truly practice peace through my faith.

World peace begins with me.  My peaceful presence affects the peace in my family.  The peace in my family affects the peace in my neighborhood.  The peace in my neighborhood affects the peace of my community.  And on it goes--until peace unites our world.

We are all connected through Christs energy.  this is where we are all the same. Many people are not conscious of this connection and choose to live turbulent lives through ego.  They still have Christ within them and only need to invite him into their daily lives.

I choose peace with every decision I make.  When I come to a crossroads, I make the peaceful choice.  When I make decisions with Spirit--with a desire for peace--I fell grounded and secure.  I move confidently forward with a peaceful heart.

I practice choosing peace in all my decisions.  I don't argue a point if someone else is in debate mode.  I don't say things that are hurtful for others.  I calm myself down as soon as i realize what I am doing.  If I send out peaceful positive energy I will receive the same.

As a proactive peacemaker, I never wait for others to determine when it is time to be peaceful.  The light of peace begins with me.

We can always be in peace even when it feels like the house is falling down all around me as long as I invite God into the moment.

Mark the blameless and behold upright, for their is posterity for the peaceable.  Psalm 37:37